Engage your children with an educational app for toddlers and junior-school kids that allows them to learn basic numbers in the most simplest way. Your kids will be able to identify the numbers in the details of sequence, learn counting with audio for better pronounciation along with the pictures of objects (e.g : 1 - One).It also has features of testing them by different game techniques such as pairing of similar numbers and much more that will improvise better learning in a collaborative form so that the kids can grasp them completely.
The key features are :
Audio and Visual effect for the numbers.
Sequential learning of counting numbers.
Enhanced pronunciation
Activities for fun learning
Fill in the blanks section
Additional Maths tricks at the end
So why wait more , let your kids explore the new horizons in the way that they can enjoy too.
#Maths, #Kids Learning, #Kids Education, #Mathematics For Kids, #Counting, #Edutainment, #Easy maths,#Maths with quiz, #Maths with Fun